It’s not failure, it’s redirection (even though it feels a lot like failure)

It’s taken me a long time to write this post because, in all honesty, I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to admit that I personally failed. However, seeing that Lilla wrote a post and I do want to tie up my whole academic story (because who knows what’s next for me), I have written… Continue reading It’s not failure, it’s redirection (even though it feels a lot like failure)


Wish for a long journey… don’t be afraid that bad things will happen.

So it’s half two in the morning. Very late for me. I still haven’t really gotten back into a normal sleep routine since being back from Canada. Jet lag is a real thing. I’m telling you this because I didn’t think it was. Or just that I was sure it wouldn’t affect me. Yet here… Continue reading Wish for a long journey… don’t be afraid that bad things will happen.